Monday 5 April 2010

River Rising again

The river is on the rise yet again, holding back the trout fishing for at least a couple of days which seems to be the norm lately, although we did manage to target a few trout on Saturday and Charley who was over on a trip from America, managed to land a couple of fish at the eleventh hour on the scud, which is a shrimp representation, and on the Water Hen Bloa which is a spider pattern that was fished just in the surface film as a few trout begun to rise for a very short period in the late afternoon, picking off a few Large Dark Olives that were sparsley hatching. He also had a couple of close calls where the trout got the upper hand, (as they do) but as quick as these trout appeared, they also disappeared, leaving the water looking devoid of fish, just as it did before they became active, but we know they are there.

Sunday saw some Spey casting tuition with the Salmon rods on the lower Eden where the water was much bigger due to there being three main tributaries entering the system downstream of where we were fishing on Saturday, but this did not pose a problem as the day was simply based around casting techniques and not fishing, although for all the water was high, it was clear enough to catch fish, but with the extra rain through the night a lot of the water courses were beginning to colour up today and run into the main system yet again.