Saturday, 28 March 2020

Fishing in Lock down

Eden Grayling
Following a poor start to the Eden season (and many other rivers) due to persistent high waters preventing us from indulging in our favourite pastime, and now with the added disruption of the coronavirus outbreak, keeping the majority of us in isolation. Despite trying to remain optimistic, I can't help wondering when our next venture out on the river will actually be!

Eden Brown Trout
Although we all understand the implications of this truly invasive pandemic, and it goes without saying that we will all continue to do our bit if it means saving lives, but it certainly doesn't stop that sinking feeling that we all get when we cannot go fishing. With this in mind, let us keep our fingers crossed that things get back to normal sooner rather than later and that statistics improve soon for everyone's sake.

Cracking Sea Trout
However, in the interim period, "being as we are all in the same boat", (so to speak) I wanted to stay in touch with everyone (by way of my monthly blog) to wish you and your family members all the very best at this difficult time, and I hope you all continue to stay in good health as we move forward. All the signs point to an eventual decline of this situation and given the sterling work being put in by our NHS staff (who are on the front line) we will surely beat this thing and get back to some kind of normality!

Fresh Eden Salmon
That said I think we are currently in this for the long haul, and being as we may not be visiting the river for some time, I thought I would include a few pictures from previous fishing trip here on the Eden in an attempt to hopefully help cheer you all up whilst many of you (except for key workers) are stuck at home. Stay Safe!